Supply chain risk management solution

Sometimes suppliers tell you what you want to hear; we tell you what you need to hear. The FHR gives you a precise risk rating of your most critical suppliers. HealthMark provides instant visibility and risk analysis across the entire long tail.

Financial health is the foundation of supply chain risk management

Your supply chain is central to the purpose and function of your business. Our solution allows you to proactively monitor your global supply chain and identify potential risks before they become disruptions.

RapidRatings' FHR® clients had 12-24 months early warning on the declining company ratings that preceded recent high-profile defaults. This ensured their business continuity by giving them time to activate contingency plans and avoid disruption.

FHR & HealthMark: 
the ultimate risk management solution

A company’s financial health is the top indicator of its ability to perform. The FHR® is the most accurate rating of financial health in the world, based on your vendor's actual financial data. It rates the short- and medium-term viability of both private and public companies.

HealthMark® provides a quick pulse to gauge the financial health of your entire supplier or vendor network, giving you an immediate view of your risk landscape.

"RapidRatings' data-driven approach to supplier risk management is invaluable for organizations that rely on a strong supply chain. The business value they deliver is unmatched, and their commitment to customer success is outstanding. This means we've had absolute visibility on emerging risk and enough time to take corrective action, helping us build a resilient supply chain, avoid disruption, and drive robust growth." 

man in a hardhat working on a screen in an industrial environment
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