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RapidRatings is an unbiased, independent firm that rates the financial health of private and public companies using actual financial data. Organizations use our financial health intelligence and predictive analytics to gain detailed insights into their critical suppliers, business partners, and other third parties, so they can make more informed risk management decisions. RapidRatings’ insights into the financial health of private companies are critical because more than 70% of companies in supply chains around the world are private. If you don’t have the ability to accurately gauge private suppliers’ financial health, you will never be able to build a truly resilient supply chain.
A company’s financial health rating is an accurate and predictive indicator of its future performances as a business partner, credit obligor, or supplier. The FHR projects reliable forecasts of the 12-month and long-term outlooks of the companies that touch your business and predicts probabilities of default with proven, high accuracy. We have eliminated the uncertainty that comes with qualitative, market-data-driven payment history, and other subjective ratings.
The FHR is a common language that procurement, sourcing, finance, and credit teams can all use to make more informed decisions. It is not only the cornerstone of RapidRatings, but also an industry standard for determining a company’s viability.
At RapidRatings, we use a proven proprietary algorithm that spots bankruptcy risks and other financial threats years in advance to create accurate financial health ratings. Our models use actual financial data, which is quantitative data found solely in financial statements and sourced directly from the private company. Using financial statements, our models analyze a particular company’s risk and generate an FHR, a rating from 0 to 100 that indicates the company’s overall financial health.
RapidRatings’ FHR Report is a powerful tool to evaluate the financial health and potential risk of your suppliers, vendors, and other third parties.
The FHR Report provides a deep dive into the financial health of the company as measured by RapidRatings’ analytical models. It presents the company’s current and historical risk trend for up to nine years. This report provides the highest level of commentary and in-depth information. Within the report are detailed descriptions, commentary, charts, diagrams, and financial ratio tables provide objective insights into strengths, weaknesses, and potential risks.
No. Making key decisions—now and in the future—based on credit scores, trade payment data, or solely on firmographics will set your team up for failure and prevent meaningful collaboration with your business partners.
In RapidRatings’ FHR Exchange™, private suppliers can securely and discreetly submit financial information—like profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements—to gain a clear understanding of their own financial positioning, compare it to their peers’, and share that information with potential buyers. The insights are presented in a universal language that does not require financial expertise to understand.
Absolutely! In fact, many organizations use RapidRatings’ financial health intelligence to identify their financial strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. Plus, our digestible reports provide you with your positioning among peer companies so you can see how you measure up to the rest of the industry.
Many private companies use RapidRatings’ FHR Exchange™ as a business development tool to verify that they are financially viable. Our unbiased insights make it quick and easy for your prospective clients to understand your financial health during the RFP process, which can create a strong competitive edge. The FHR can also lead to faster business development as you strengthen relationships through financial transparency and trust.
All our data collection and analysis is conducted with a highly secure ISO 27001 certification so you can feel comfortable sharing your confidential financial information.